



美國生殖醫學會 (ASRM) 建議對配子捐獻者、受贈者和妊娠攜帶者進行心理評估。心理學家可以遵循 ASRM 的指導方針來解決配子捐贈者、接受者、後代和妊娠攜帶者面臨的許多複雜的心理、道德和倫理問題。

Carrie Eichberg,心理學博士 (208) 343-0570 1414 W. Franklin Street Boise, Idaho 83702 carrie@dreichberg.com

Carole Lieber Wilkins, MA, MFT 310-470-9049 1460 Westwood Blvd., Los Angeles, California 90024 lafamilybuilding.com

南希·湯普森博士 (208) 841-1174 3350 W. Americana Terrace, Suite 320 博伊西, 83706 drthompsonboise@gmail.com

傑米冠軍,博士 (208) 288-1920 2365 E Gala St., Meridian, ID 83642

Judy N. Lam,博士,PLLC (208) 209-2388 1602 W. Hays Street, Suite 201 Boise, Idaho

Charmayne Alegria, MA, LPC (208) 283-5855 13923 W. Wainwright Dr., Suite 302 Boise, ID 83713 calegria@cableone.net www.touchpointscounseling.com

伊麗莎白·吉爾斯-伊林,媽媽 (208) 761-5135 709 E Riverpark Lane, Suite 130, Boise, ID 83706

授權諮詢,PLLC - 四月 Thorndyke,LCSW, www.empowercounselingservice.com208-995-4809

珍妮爾·埃奇卡特博士 (208) 345-8712(愛達荷州博伊西)1221 W Hays St., Suite 204, Boise, ID 83702

阿曼達格羅夫,LMSW (208)-358-9020 | 1005 E Park Blvd.,博伊西,ID 83712 |臨床社會工作|遠程醫療|愛達荷州博伊西河健康集體由愛達荷州 Daring 轉交電子郵件: counseling.sagecreek@gmail.com 網址: www.sagecreekcounseling.com 

Attention New Patients

Beginning September 1, 2024 we will require a card placed on file to secure all New Patient Appointments.

Changes to our cancelation policy, effective September 1, 2024: If you do not show up for your appointment or cancel your appointment 48 hours before your actual appointment time, a $100.00 charge will appear on your card statement.

Attention Patients