
Dr. Cristin Slater Featured in Podcast

Dr. Slater was featured in a podcast from the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART) about genetics and IVF.

Genetics is a significant part of advanced reproductive technology screening. Genetic counselors serve an essential role in the process.  In this episode, Jenna Miller, a board-certified and licensed genetic counselor, and Dr. Cristin Slater explain what preconceptual genetic carrier screening is and discuss preconception genetic testing (PGT) of embryos.

Listen to the podcast here:

SART Fertility Experts: SART Fertility Experts – Genetics and IVF (libsyn.com)

Listen To Dr. Slater’s
Most Recent Podcast!

In the latest episode of the SART Fertility Experts podcast, Dr. Slater and Betsy Campbell from RESOLVE discuss current barriers to reproductive medicine and how advocacy efforts are expanding access to care.