

ICRM offers outside monitoring appointments for the following cases:

  • Gestational carrier cycle monitoring
  • Saline infusion sonogram (SIS)
  • Endometrial receptivity assay
  • Cycle monitoring for frozen embryo transfers

We do not offer outside monitoring for the following:

  • IUI cycle monitoring
  • IVF cycle monitoring

Please note the following when scheduling:

  • We will not release results to patients – all results are sent to your ordering clinic
  • We only bill Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO plans
  • ICRM charges a monitoring fee of $100 that will not be billed to insurance and must be paid at the time of service
  • Payment authorization must be on file prior to scheduling
  • We do not take standing orders, all orders must have specific dates of service on them.
  • We must have an order on file prior to scheduling
  • ICRM is open for monitoring appointments Monday-Friday excluding all holidays

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Attention Patients