Concerned About Roe v Wade: Take Action—There is Something You Can Do Now! Right Now!

It’s more important than ever that Congress supports the Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA) to make sure that this essential health care is accessible in every state. WHPA would protect the right to abortion access nationwide. Call or email your Senator and tell them to vote yes on the Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA). To find the contact info for your Senator, use this tool or call the United States Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121. A switchboard operator will connect you directly with the Senate office you request.

Don’t know what to say? Use this sample script as a guide: “As your constituent and an ASRM member/[insert professional title as applicable, e.g., “a reproductive endocrinologist”] I ask that the member vote YES on WHPA. I firmly believe that a failure to act could have serious repercussions on patient safety and that reproductive health care decisions must be the purview of patients and their physicians and will be watching for his/her vote on this critical bill.”

The Concern

Like you, ASRM is extremely concerned over the probable decision from the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v Wade and its impact on the reproductive medical field, the impact to our members’ livelihoods, and the impact on access to safe medical care for patients. The clearest danger is the ambiguity about the legal status of in-vitro fertilized eggs.

Our Position

ASRM is opposed to any policy that takes away any person’s right to access all forms of reproductive care, and we are especially concerned that this could have repercussions on our members’ ability to safely perform IVF and any other infertility treatment or procedure in accordance with best medical practices. We believe that health care decisions, particularly on reproductive matters, need to be the purview of patients and their physicians, not politicians.

What We’ve Done

ASRM is moving quickly to create and share information about how this decision will impact our members and their patients.

To date, ASRM has:

  • Joined five amicus briefs
  • Written 19 letters specifically opposing abortion restrictions
  • Signed on to 16 letters in support of expanding access to care
  • Coordinated with multiple ASMR members to testify before their state legislators supporting ASRM’s stance on various bills

Click here to view the ASRM Advocacy Activities Report.

How Can ASRM Members Help to Advocate for Themselves and Their Professions?

In recent years, we have witnessed new challenges to our mission: misconceptions about the disease of infertility persist; unwarranted regulations of the practice of reproductive medicine are proposed; restrictions on third-party reproduction and compensation to egg or sperm donors are debated; and attempts have been made to define a fertilized egg as a person. All of these threats serve to illustrate the importance of our members becoming more actively involved in protecting the field of reproductive medicine.

While the reality is that there is not much we can do today to change this decision, we can arm ourselves for future protections on both the state and federal level. If Roe v Wade is revoked, it will set the stage for states to legislate in this area. You need to be prepared to get involved to advocate in your state.

Here’s How You Can Get Involved:

Prepare, then take action:

  • Know your organizations and their issues
  • Know your issues and stay informed
  • If you can, register to vote and vote in every election!
  • Give time or money to campaigns that are important to you and your issues
  • Contact your elected officials and maintain a relationship with their offices
  • Speak out in your communities about issues that impact your patients

Talk to your Legislators!

Federal level: See tips for contacting your federal representatives above in red.

State level: This toolkit provides you with a process for how to advocate for your yourself and your patients on the state level.

Posting on social media is great, but calling or meeting with your legislators is most effective. You can find your legislators’ information here.

Don’t know what to say? Use this sample script as a guide:

“Hello, my name is [x], and I’m calling from [my town]. I’m calling in opposition/support of Bill Number XX.”

You can feel free to end here and just give your phone number. OR! You can give a sentence or two in explanation of why you oppose or support the bill:

“I am a [reproductive endocrinologist] and I oppose any bill that would interfere with my ability to provide the best course of care for my patients. My phone number 555-555-5555. Thank you so much.”

Attention New Patients

Beginning September 1, 2024 we will require a card placed on file to secure all New Patient Appointments.

Changes to our cancelation policy, effective September 1, 2024: If you do not show up for your appointment or cancel your appointment 48 hours before your actual appointment time, a $100.00 charge will appear on your card statement.

Attention Patients